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What is Infused Honey?

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

Infused Honey is term used for honey that has flowers, herbs, fruits or vegetables added into the jar of honey for an extended period of time to let the specific and unique flavors permeate the honey.

Figure 1: Jalapeno Infused Honey Example


Flavor Infused Honey

There are many flavors and ways to use infused honey. Lavender infused honey is perfect for afternoon hot tea, just providing this subtle boost of calming lavender flavor that gives that extra touch to your afternoon ritual Using Peppers or Jalapenos like in the photo above, can provide your grilled chicken a honey glaze with an extra kick. There are even some Kentucky Beekeepers that infuse bourbon into honey and it is delicious! When bourbon is what makes your state famous, you try to add it to everything. Hive & Honeybee recently partnered with beekeepers in Florida to bring Bourbon Infused, Blackberry Bourbon Infused, & Orange Bourbon Infused honey. Check out the entire line up of Infused Honey.

Infusing Honey for Health

Lemon infused honey has been known to help with a bad cough and mild cold symptoms. Mother Earth Living lays out the wonders of Herb-Infused Honeys and how they can be used medicinally to improve your quality of life. Clove Honey has been known to help with sore throats and even toothaches when applied directly to the gum by the sore tooth. Ginger infused honey has been known to help settle an upset stomach and Garlic is a powerful immune-booster and is very effective as a natural anti-septic. Ensure that you start with Premium Wildflower Honey to get the full benefits of any herb infusion.

As of late, lots of crafters have started to infuse honey with CBD oil. While the science is slow to catch up to the new product and one should certainly discuss with their healthcare provider before consuming any CBD product, there is significant amount of anecdotal evidence by enthusiastic users for just about as many treated ailments.

Making Infused Honey

Most importantly, start with Raw & Unfiltered Honey ensuring you have raw honey that provides the most benefits and doesn't have an natural overpowering aroma that can impact the desired result. Also ensure that you source pesticide free, organic herbs and vegetables for any honey infusion project. For anyone interested in trying your own infused honey, popular ingredients to infuse in honey for beginners are Vanilla, Orange and Lavender.

Our friends at Evergreen Kitchen do a great job of discussing the process and even several recipes in the article about Simple Infused Honey (3Ways). Each infusion ingredient has different lengths of time necessary to get the full infusion into the honey, make sure to do some additional research to ensure your success and happy infusing.

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